Prima Integration Solutions

Sekilas tentang perusahaan

Computer Software & Networking
Ukuran perusahaan
51-100 karyawan
Lokasi utama
Wisma Nugra Santana 2nd Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 7-8, Central Jakarta, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta, Indonesia
Founded in 2001, PT Prima Integrasi Solusindo (PIS) is an IT Solution and System Integrator Company providing IT Infrastructure & System Integration, Business Solution and Services which running by management with more than 10 years experiences in respective services.
Based in Jakarta with representative offices in Singapore, Prima Integrasi Solusindo has formed strategic alliances with Microsoft, SiteCore, K2, and Akamai.
Today, Prima Integrasi Solusindo is employing more than 70 ICT Professionals, satisfying the increasingly complex demands of diverse industries, which include financial service, manufacturing, government, oil and gas, and related sectors.


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